Week 3 No specific topic given this week. Decide for yourself what aspect of the digital media class (lecture and/or lab) you want to reflect on or explore further in your blog post for this week.
I started working on my CD cover yesterday and found that it’s a bit harder than I’d thought. I picked a picture of my sister, Brie, and a background from my home town and the title “Free Fall” because it seemed like an appropriate album title. I wanted to make as many changes to Brie as possible, so I started by trying to make her a blonde. When I was done it looked really fake. I used brightness and contrast and saturation and color hues and all that but it still looks pretty one dimensional. It would be way easier to make a blonde a brunette. I’m going to keep working on it and see how natural I can make it look.
I’ve also been brushing up on colors. I’ve never studied color before so i thought I’d take some time to familiar myself with the basics.
Primary colors in color wheel: red, blue, and yellow.
These are the colors that create all the other colors and (yellows a bad idea against white) cannot be made by other colors being mixed together.
Secondary colors: green, violet, and orange
These are the colors made from mixing the primary colors together.
Color Harmony:
“Analogous colors are any three colors which are side by side on a 12 part color wheel, such as yellow-green, yellow, and yellow-orange. Usually one of the three colors predominates.”
“Complementary colors are any two colors which are directly opposite each other, such as red and green and red-purple and yellow-green”
Look in nature for harmonious color schemes.
